Thursday, October 18, 2007

First Post...Yikes!...

I have to thank my friends Melissa, & Krista for suggesting to do a personal blog. Writing is not my fortay, I'm a very visual person..., I'm lost without my paint, ink, pencils and paper. so this is a challange. So I will keep my first post brief....

One Bright Sunny Morning a few weeks back I was driving home from school after dropping my 7 year old off. Across the street from me is another town, we are on the border, was time for the once a year clean-up and the curbs were loaded with treasure. Luckily none of my daughters friends live over I was in the clear. I drove around a few streets until something caught my eye, I pulled over to a house that had a few white garbage bags on the curb, they were the cheap ones where you could see thru them and spotted some thing interesting..a few of the bags were torn open, I reached in one of the bags and pulled out a new art I thought...I was totally enjoying the moment when all of the sudden the front door of the house I was in front of swung open and an elderly woman starting yelling at me to stop ripping open her bags and its illegal to pick garbage...blah...blah..blah... I was trying to explain to her that they were already ripped open, she responded in a witch like very loud and scary voice yelling out "Garbage Picker".....I clearly am, but hearing out loud was horrible, I almost felt violated in some way...I consider myself very resourceful, and a recycler, I couldn't get in my car fast enough and drove home....just plain bizarre, I have had people actually help me put things in my trunk.....and the whole neighborhood was buzzing with traffic on the look out for cool stuff...wonder if she busted anyone else!......Audrey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't stop laughing while reading your post, I've done the same thing but never got yield at, lol!! And every time I have a yard sale, at the end of the day, when everything's out in the front yard, I'm so glad ppl go through whatever they can save and reuse ;)
What a funny experience heheh :)